Grigore Antipa College
On March 5th 2020, students from the “Grigore Antipa” College of Sciences, together with history professor Sorin Vlaic, paid a visit to the library for documentation on the Schei neighborhood crossed by the Graft River.
On the Graft River bank there was also an open lesson about its importance in the lives of the inhabitants of Brasov Fortress.

Photo: Timofte Mara Ioana 2015 – Timis-Darste River – with father having fun in the river

Photo: Andreea Caldare 2018 – Thames seen from London Bridge “Grigore Antipa” College of Science
Bigar Waterfall
Bigar Waterfall is part of the protected area of national interest “Bigar Spring”. The 45th parallel north passes by this waterfall, a fact marked in the field by a geographical panel. The World Geography website compiled in 2013 a list of the most impressive waterfalls in the world. In the first place is the Bigăr Waterfall from Caraş-Severin.

Photo: Chirila Melisa 2017 – Bigar Waterfall
“Grigore Antipa” College of Science.

Photo: Chirilă Melisa 2019 – In the camp, on the Danube River (Sulina Town) with instructors and students “Grigore Antipa” College of Science

Photo: Buzdugan Sorana 2009 – Devil’s Mill Waterfall (Bucegi Mountains) “Grigore Antipa” College of Science

Photo: Chirila Melisa 2017 – Bigar Waterfall

Photo: Chirilă Melisa 2019 – In the camp, on the Danube River (Sulina Town) with instructors and students “Grigore Antipa” College of Science
Online activity carried on by College of Science “Grigore Antipa”
Due to the closure of schools during the pandemic, the teachers held their classes online. As they could not carry out the field activities within the Livingriver project, the teachers dedicated a few hours to the environment, but especially to the waters.
Professor Pavelescu’s students were excited to learn and make presentations on World Environment Day, about the importance of protecting water resources and about the effects of climate change on the Earth’s water resources. At the end, the students checked their knowledge about the impact of pollution on water reserves by answering a questionnaire.
Professor Șerban spoke to the students about the influence of climatic factors and anthropogenic activities on rivers, and the students made presentations about natural hazards, namely floods and damage caused by them, and about the influence of climatic factors on rivers in various regions of the globe: the river Don in the temperate continental area and the river Ebro in the Mediterranean area.
The students also participated in lessons in which they received information about the ESRI system. They took the first steps in creating an interactive map, to visualize and explore data, using ESRI’s dynamic mapping software.

Professor: Lucia Pavelescu
World Environment Day – 5thJune
Students: Lupu Sabrina and Stoian Andra, 11thgrade

Professor Lucia Pavelescu
1.Protect the waters!

3. The effects of climate change on Earth’s water resources
Student: Maxim Miriam, 11thgrade

4. The impact of pollution on water reserves – knowledge questionnaire
Student: Husanu Ciprian 11thgrade

Professor: Magdalena Serban
Hydrological hazards caused by anthropogenic activity
Student: Alex Iulia

Student: Iulia Nitu

Student: Iulia Andreea

2. The influence of climatic factors on rivers in different regions
Student: Simona Alexia – Ebro River

Student: Matei Roberto – Don River

The students learned to work with ESRI
In October 2020, the two Romanian schools (Grigore Antipa College and Mircea Cristea College) carried out the field activities within the project, the leaf decomposition activity.
Helped by the teachers, the students fixed the nets with alder leaves (Alnus glutinosa) in the Graft River and determined the physico-chemical indicators of water quality (pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphates).
The two schools conducted experiments in different locations of Graft River.