Associated Partners
Teachers Training
Students exchange
Associated Partners Activities
Gouveia Secondary School
Gouveia Secondary School During the period of confinement the rivers didn’t stay forgotten! Students from Gouveia Secondary School wrote texts and took pictures of “their” rivers and streams. A casa da Luz (The House Light)By Antonio Correia LIVINGRIVER Project –...
Science and Art Center
Science and Art Center Watch Video about Science and Art Center
IES Melide
IES Melide Teresa Ron student of the “IES Melide” prepared a poster summarizing the stages of the scientific method carried out in the biological part of the project.
IES Ribeira do Louro
IES Ribeira do Louro Collection of asbestos leaves for drying and storing. Later, in a second phase, these sheets will be inserted into the corresponding meshes and placed in the river for a few weeks. “Gymkhana on IES Ribeira do Louro”This activity, carried out on...
Grigore Antipa College
Grigore Antipa College On March 5th 2020, students from the “Grigore Antipa” College of Sciences, together with history professor Sorin Vlaic, paid a visit to the library for documentation on the Schei neighborhood crossed by the Graft River. On the Graft River bank...
Mircea Cristea College
Mircea Cristea CollegeBetween the 3rd and 7th of February 2020, the Technical College „Mircea Cristea” (Romania) carried out a series of activities within the LIVINGRIVER project. The activities consisted of interactive lessons about “Aquatic Ecosystems” held with the...
D. Duarte Secondary School
D. Duarte Secondary School As saídas de campo realizadas no âmbito da proteção de cursos de água, decorreram durante os meses de novembro e dezembro e foram orientadas pelos professores Aires Alexandre e Teresa Lopes, no troço do rio Dueça – afluente do rio Ceira....
Alves Martins Secondary School
Alves Martins Secondary SchoolVisita de estudo a Porriño (Galiza) no âmbito do projeto LivingRiver, (Erasmus+) A nossa visita começou com duas longas horas de viagem. Quando chegámos a Porriño, fomos recebidos pelas professoras e pelos alunos envolvidos no Projeto. De...
Litter Bag Technique – Turkey
Litter Bag Technique – Turkey Balıkesir Üniversitesi supported the associated schools in the implementation of the litter bag technique in two of the adopted rivers, accompanying the teachers and the students.