Associated Partners
Gouveia Secondary School
Gouveia belongs to the district of Guarda, being part of Comunidade Intermunicipal das Beiras e Serra da Estrela. It is limited, in the north, by Fornos de Algodres, in northeast by Celourico da Biera, in east by Guarda, in Southeast by Manteigas, in south-west by Seia and in northwest by Mangualde. It has an area of 302,49 Km2, with 14.046 inhabitants. It is situated in a predominantly rural area, with an history connected to Textile Industry.
The building of the school fits into the standard project of basic and secondary education establishments, designed and built in the country in the 1970’s, being amplified in the last decade of the XX Century. The building has five blocks, connected by corridors, with the sport hall being the only building outside of the school campus, as it is property of the Municipality. The outside area of the school is an open and safe place, with two pedestrian entrances controlled by electronic key cards. The classes are equipped with computers and video projectors and some have interactive boards. The school has four IT rooms, four Natural sciences/ Biology and Geology rooms, three Physics and Chemistry rooms, and Electronics, Robotic and Technological education room, one special education room, two amphitheatres / conference rooms and administrative services, as well as a school library.
Most of the teachers of the school have a bachelor degree and a high percentage have specializations and a master degree or PhD. More than 70% of the school employers (other than teachers) have qualifications equivalent to the 12thgrade.
The school have several partnerships / protocols with Higher Education Institutions and Associations; The educational offer is diverse and adjusted to the interest of the students with effects in the increase of school abandonment; The school offers regular education courses, Training courses and VET courses and it offers spaces equipped to achieve a good work.