Associated Partners
D. Duarte Secondary School
The Association of Schools Coimbra Oeste (AECO) is located on the left bank of the Mondego river, inserted in an urban and suburban environment, with good accessibility, in a space with high patrimonial value, endowed with great scenic beauty and in great development.
It is a public education institution, covering pre-school education, basic education (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles) and secondary education (humanistic scientific courses and professional courses) for a universe of 2300 students, spread over 16 educational institutions with Duarte Secondary School as Head School – being part of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network since 1989.
The group presents a diversified educational offer, a good and effective follow-up work to all its students with reflexes in the prevention of the school dropout, in the creation of new opportunities of education, continuation of studies and integration in the labor market. Alos, it presents the offer of Mandarin course, at high school.
In spite of being a relatively new grouping, it has been able to build its own identity in the construction of values and knowledge, of great dynamics, plural and humanistic, attentive to the students and to the surrounding reality, based on the pillars of education – Learning to know , learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together. It advocates a quality education for all through the development of projects in the frame of Peace, Human Rights, Intercultures and Sustainable Development contributing to the SDG of the 2030 agenda.
To foster this dynamic, we have the transversal projects of the AECO: UNESCO; Health Education Program (PES); European Club; Radio Club; Citizenship and Development; School Library; School Sports; Nacional Plan of Cinema (PNC); and EcoMondego that frame the project LIVINGRIVER (2018-2021), develop different themes during the school year along the curricular areas, pursuing a logic of cooperation and articulation of synergies reinforced through partnerships with the close and extended community.

As saídas de campo realizadas no âmbito da proteção de cursos de água, decorreram durante os meses de novembro e dezembro e foram orientadas pelos professores Aires Alexandre e Teresa Lopes, no troço do rio Dueça – afluente do rio Ceira. Participaram nesta atividade vários alunos de turmas do ensino secundário.